Chatsworth Schools is delighted to share the news that Highfield Prep School, Maidenhead was rated as EXCELLENT during their recent ISI Inspection. You can read Head, Joanna Leach’s letter to parents below and the full report here.
We are very proud of this simply brilliant inspection report and the quality of education and experience that Highfield Prep, a special member of the Chatsworth Schools family is delivering to its children. For more details about Highfield Prep, visit

26 April 2022
Dear Parents
I am delighted to write to you today to inform you of the outcome of our recent Independent Schools Inspectorate (ISI) which was conducted on the 8th-11th March 2022. This was a combined a Regulatory Compliance Inspection with an Educational Quality Inspection.
An Independent Schools Inspectorate (ISI) inspection focuses on two key outcomes ‘The achievement of the pupils, including their academic development’ and ‘The personal development of the pupils’ and I am thrilled that for both the key outcomes we have been judged as EXCELLENT! Please find the report attached.
The inspection process was very rigorous, comprising an extensive review of documentation, the analysis of parental, pupil and staff questionnaires, lesson observations, interviews with a wide cross-section of staff and pupils, and scrutiny of public examination results and pupils’ work. The ISI Inspectors aim to triangulate the information gathered to gain a clear insight into the school and the outcomes for its pupils.
I truly believe that this report is a strong endorsement of the quality of the provision for the pupils here at Highfield and I did want to highlight some of their key findings:
- ‘Throughout the school, pupils develop excellent knowledge in all areas of learning and acquire a high level of skill in literacy, numeracy and ICT which they confidently apply across the curriculum, successfully meeting the school’s aims.’
- ‘Pupils across the school demonstrate outstanding communication skills and successfully apply these to all areas of learning….they show great confidence when communicating their ideas in the many opportunities available for them to participate.’
- ‘Pupils develop strong social awareness through the many opportunities provided for teamwork, problem solving and collaboration across year groups. The tangible family ethos of the school contributes strongly to their social development.’
- ‘Pupils show great respect for those of different faiths, backgrounds and traditions, and value the diversity within their tightly-knit school community.’
The report also affirms the commitment of the staff to the pupils’ education highlighting:
- ‘Senior leaders have successfully created a culture whereby pastoral care is at the heart of what the school does, and regular reflection on the pupils personal development ensures personal needs are well supported. In the questionnaires, parents wholeheartedly agreed that the school helps children to be confident and independent.’
I would like to take this opportunity to thank our staff for their outstanding contributions to our school community. Their commitment and dedication are unwavering, as is that of Chatsworth School who are our governors.
Regarding our EXCELLENT ISI Report, Clemmie Stewart, Chatsworth Schools’ Director of Learning and Teaching said “Chatsworth Schools is delighted, yet not surprised, to see this truly excellent report, reflecting the hard work and achievements enjoyed across the whole of Highfield Prep. It has been a privilege for me to work alongside leaders, and the whole staff team, to see the pastoral and educational offer develop at Highfield to such a high standard. Warmest congratulations to the whole community: children, staff and parents.”
Thank you as always for your continued support and the incredibly positive contributions that were made in the parent questionnaire and as you read through the report, I am sure that a number of the comments and examples that will resonate with you.
Most importantly I would like to thank you for the privilege and honour of allowing us to educate your fabulous sons and daughters here at Highfield and you should be very proud as they all contributed something to this excellent report. For me this report is a reminder of how lucky we all are to be part of the Highfield community and I hope you enjoy reading the report as much as we did and you, like me, are tremendously proud of what we have all achieved!
On the subject of our Highfield community, we do still have a few places available for September in some year groups so please feel free to let your friends and family know about Highfield Prep and share our excellent report with them.
Kind regards
Joanna Leach
Headteacher of Highfield Prep School