Mylaf by Chatsworth Schools

Mylaf stands for My learning and (my) future
“Human resources are like natural resources; they’re often buried deep. You have to go looking for them, they’re not just lying around on the surface. You have to create the circumstances where they show themselves.”
― Ken Robinson
In October 2023, Chatsworth Schools launched our own CPD and dynamic professional review platform, Mylaf.
Because Chatsworth Schools is dedicated to enabling outstanding futures for all our people.
Mylaf features new CPD content created in-house by Chatsworth Schools as well as direct access to other CPD platforms.
We’ve replaced appraisals with Dynamic Reviews for all our staff that ensure staff, as much as line managers play a full reflective part in their personal performance reviews.
No matter the phase or school setting, it is the right of every adult in our schools to enjoy, benefit and genuinely contribute to their own tailored, exceptional and relevant CPD.
That’s why we created Mylaf to ensure it delivers for all our people at every level and job role in the organisation – academic and non-academic.
Every Chatsworth Schools staff member has access to Mylaf and a log of their reviews, their completed CPD, and their ongoing career development.
Mylaf is a truly dynamic CPD platform. It will go as far as the people using it want to take themselves!